Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The 72 Names of God

If you want to be inspired in a new way, read The 72 Names of God.

Like so many Christians, I have been completely unfamiliar with the Jewish faith and the study of Kabbalah. Then I found myself intrigued after reading The Spiritual Universe: One Physicist's Vision of Spirit, Soul, Matter and Self by Fred Alan Wolf.

Regarding Wolf's book: it was not easy going. Reading examples that demonstrate principles of quantum physics - and having trouble understanding them - made me feel senile.

While I know that age plays a big role in how open one's mind (and neural connectors) are to new thoughts and concepts, I was nevertheless shocked at the resistance my mind was giving me to understanding what I was reading.

[Note to self: read more books containing unfamiliar concepts and stretch your mind a bit more.]

Fortunately, most of The Spiritual Universe really was understandable. More importantly to me, it was exciting, for Wolf is a reputable physicist who has presented a quantum model that explains how the soul works and how spirit is the flip side of matter.

In addition, he gives a detailed history of how science has viewed God - being first reliant upon the idea of God and then moving into a purely materialistic perspective.

The animosity that has - mistakenly - arisen between religion and science has occurred at least partially because science cannot verify consciousness.

We know we're conscious, but, according to science - since consciousness can neither be located in space or time nor verified in experiments - for all intents and purposes, consciousness does not exist!

Clearly science can't provide all the answers through its current methodology. Yet neither can religion. We know the earth is billions of years old, not thousands.

In addition, science has provided us with miracles in medicine that we rely upon while, at the same time, disdaining science because it uses a methodology of reproducible results as its basis for research as opposed to "going on faith."

This is nonsense. Science cannot go on faith just as religion cannot be required to provide hard and reproducible proof to justify faith.

The truth is that science and religion must learn to compliment each other and work together, not invalidate each other. However, I digress.

What was most extraordinary for me is that Wolf has come to the conclusion - and he explains how this is a function of quantum physics - that there is only one mind and all our minds are part of it.

This is a relief, for it explains so much. It explains why Master Minding works, why prayer works and why the 100th monkey phenomena exists. It explains, perfectly, why Jesus taught: As you do unto others, so will it be done unto you.

Likewise, it gives credence to the idea - espoused by meditators and mystics of all religions - that as we calm our own minds - when we bring peace to our own inner selves and resolve our own inner conflicts - we actually create peace and resolve conflicts in society as a by-product.

While there is more I could write about Wolf's wonderful book, let me move on to The 72 Names of God.

Better yet, let me just give you the website: www.72.com.

Check it out and try a few meditations. I found them very inspiring.

Jewish traditions are rich and have much to offer everyone in the world, including Christians. Therefore, it is tragic that there are people who, after the Holocaust, continue to practice racism against Jews. It is vital that each of us take a stand against this racism and against every kind of intolerance.

To help combat anti-semitism, which is due to superstitious ignorance - if not just a mindless need to victimize somebody - check out The 72 Names of God for yourself. I'll be surprised if you are not inspired.

The Jews had light, and gladness, and joy, and honor. Esther 8:16

All scripture is given by inspiration of God. 2 Timothy 3:16

All these worketh that one and the self-same Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will. 1 Corinthians 12:11

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

An Open Letter To The U.S. Congress

Dear Senators and Congressional Representatives:

Please oppose the Dubai Port Deal.

The administration has given Dubai Ports World, owned by the United Arab Emirate of Dubai, a $6.8 billion deal through which they will control six of our largest and most crucial ports: New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, New Orleans, Miami and Philadelphia. Only a flimsy investigation and weak "good faith" agreements guarantee that this company will - or can - stop Osama bin Laden operatives from infiltrating its workforce.

Given that the United Arab Emirates gave the Taliban refuge and is suspected as having been a transfer point for shipments of smuggled nuclear components sent to Iran, North Korea and Libya, this is an astonishing move. As Senator Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. told "Fox News Sunday":

"It's unbelievably tone-deaf politically at this point in our history, four years after 9/11, to entertain the idea of turning port security over to a company based in the UAE, (which) vows to destroy Israel."

Senator. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., demanded that President Bush personally intervene.

"The President must act," he said at a news conference with New York Harbor as a backdrop. "Outsourcing the operations of our largest ports to a country with long involvement in terrorism is a homeland security accident waiting to happen."

I'm sure you agree that America does not need another terror attack.

Yet if President Bush continues to defend this sale it will suggest that all his talk about defending and protecting us has been mere political rhetoric.

Surely anyone can see that it is a travesty for him to claim that the job of preventing terrorism gives him authority to torture, spy on Americans and use war powers against us while, at the same time, he advocates creating a way for terrorists to gain access to six of our major cities.

I look to you as a voice of reason. Please remember the horror of 9/11 and all those who lost their loved ones. This deal is not worth the risk of going through that again.

The American people do not deserve that.

I trust that God will guide you in protecting our country and your constituency by helping you to undo this deal.

God Bless You Always,

Clyo Beck
Let the people renew their strength! Let them come near; then let them speak; Let us come near together...and everyone helped his neighbor, and said to his brother, "Be of good courage." Isaiah 41:1,6

Friday, February 10, 2006

War Powers Against Americans

I have tried, in the course of this blog, to touch on politics only when it concerns our obligations, as Christians, to stand up for others or to change our point of view so we are more in line with Christ's message of love.

However, I believe it is vital that each American realize the enormity of the argument that the U.S. government, under George W. Bush, is now making against you and me and every American citizen in our great country in terms of being able to use war powers against us.

Although our country was founded on guarantees of freedom and justice, The President is now claiming - and is aggressively exercising - the right to use any and all war powers against American citizens even within the United States, and he is insisting that neither Congress nor the courts can do anything to stop him or even restrict him.

Not since Richard M. Nixon has a President so flagrantly abridged our rights, rights we were born with, or sought to permanently and irrevocably take our God-given rights from us.

My fellow Christians, people on both sides of the political spectrum agree:

George Bush and his appointee, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, are arguing for tyranny.

I cannot emphasize enough that this is not a liberal or conservative issue.

Bruce Fein, a staunchly conservative constitutional lawyer and international consultant, in an editorial in the Washington Times, has demanded that Congress insist that President Bush cease spying on us and, if he will not, that he be impeached. Mr. Fein is one of many who have, formerly, agreed with virtually everything the President has done, but must draw the line here.

You may say: "The President is only going to use this against terrorists and since I'm not a terrorist, this doesn't apply to me."

Not true. Your rights and a terrorist's rights will now be exactly the same: zero.

You will not have a guaranteed right to an attorney. You will not have a guaranteed right to a speedy trial. You will not have the guaranteed right to defend yourself before a jury of your peers.

"I've never been in trouble," you say.

Really? That's laudable. But people can be in the wrong place at the wrong time. And they can - and sometimes are - wrongfully accused. Don't think it can happen to you? Why not? It's happened to others.

Is your church active in foreign countries? Do you donate to foreign charities?

Innocent grandmothers have been accused of aiding terrorists because they gave $25 to a charity geared to help children in the Middle-East.

Okay, so you say you won't give to foreign charities anymore.

Are you going to allow this administration to frighten you, to control you, to tell you who you can help and who you can't? Will you allow a limit on your freedom - allow yourself to be terrorized by fear of wrongful implication? Is this America?

And will you turn your back - and your heart - on some of the world's neediest people because you are afraid your donation will be misconstrued?

Remember that many Africans are Muslims, so even giving to the needy in Africa could raise a "red" flag. Yet, if you stop donating to help the needy in Third World countries, you still have no guarantee you won't run into trouble.

Have you marched for peace? Have you marched for anything? Have you demonstrated before a clinic to protest abortion? Have you mailed off an angry letter to the editor? Have you been curious about the Muhammad cartoons and found yourself on a Muslim site that expressed anger over them?

Have you ever written a letter protesting something your government did? Do you think you ever might?

You could be linked, through any of these actions, to some group that the government decides to investigate as being a possible danger to order or to its interests, and, as a result, you could be implicated, jailed, held without bail, tortured for "a confession" and even killed, without repercussion.

I attended a Quaker peace meeting, to view a film on creating peace. Turns out it had been infiltrated by a spy looking for "potential terrorists."

The government, at times, has no common sense. You'd think those in charge would know they wouldn't find supporters of terrorism at a Quaker peace meeting.

But this is not about common sense. It's about absolute control.

And what the President is doing will make people afraid to speak their minds, for fear of being thought to be "trouble makers" or "against the government." Free speech will be a thing of the past. Fear of one's neighbor will become rampant, further separating us just when we need to reclaim a sense of community.

Maybe you never have and never will attend peace meetings or political rallies or gripe about the government. Well, then let's look at another scenario.

We know from the last six years - and by studying the stated policies and rhetoric of those in power - that this President is working hard to abolish all social programs, including Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. We also know jobs are being exported at an alarming rate and there is less and less protection for retirement funds.

If our National Debt grows to the point that the interest on it makes big cuts to Social Security and Medicare inevitable, how will that affect you? Will you be able to live?

You say you won't depend on Social Security because you have a retirement account? But what if your company self-destructs as many, recently, have? It's been said that Enron was just the tip of the iceberg of dishonest corporations playing with the money of investors and retirees.

So what if your retirement disappeared? What if your job disappeared? Would you have to find another? What if, two years down the road, there weren't any? What would you do? Welfare's been cut and it wouldn't support most of our lifestyles even if it hadn't been.

So what would you do if times became desperate? Would you march on Washington to demand jobs or save your retirement, to demand a way to make a living for you or for your children or for your grandchildren?

If your parent's home was being claimed by eminent domain as land needed for redevelopment, would you go visit your Senator or Representative? What if they told you to leave and you got emotional? What if you were arrested and the government decided to make an example of you so others would think twice about coming to Washington?

You could find yourself imprisoned indefinitely.

But maybe you're independently wealthy.

Well, what if President Bush decides he wants to invade Iran and you think that's a bad idea? Would you march in protest of that invasion considering how overextended our troops are in Iraq?

Protestors - including retirees - were beaten and jailed in Miami during the 2004 World Trade summit, just for showing up. A court later found that their civil rights were abridged. But don't expect that relief if the President is allowed to abolish our rights.

Remember his words: You're either with him or against him. I know he used "us," but we know now that he didn't mean all of us, but only those that support everything he and his administration are doing.

With leeway to use war powers against American citizens, if you were in the wrong place at the wrong time and jailed - as so many were - you could find yourself in jail, without access to a lawyer, indefinitely.

In that case you would have no recourse. Writing to your Congressman or woman wouldn't help you, if you could get a letter out. Neither the courts nor Congress could help you if you were being held, for convenience, if your actions were interpreted as a threat to the U.S. government or its policies.

This is not justice. It's not fairness. And it's not the America we were raised in.

I don't know about you, but my father did not get the Purple Heart fighting fascism abroad in WWII for me to lose my liberty now.

But all these scenarios will be possible unless you - and unless we the American people - insist we retain our individual rights as American citizens.

Remember: As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men. Galatians 6:10. God also helps those who help themselves. I urge you to write to your representatives, to our President and to the media about this today.

This is not an issue you can leave to others to fight for you. You must take a stand yourself. Only tens of millions of voices will stop this administration from imposing its will upon us.

Insist the President stop spying on us and stop treating us like we are the ones with whom he is at war. If he will not, then Congress must be made to impeach him. Nothing else you do could have as long-lasting repercussions for us, our children and grandchildren, for this one issue will impact all others. What you do will make or break America and all our lives with her.

Remember, if injustice happens to even one of us, it happens to all of us.

He that ruleth over men must be just. 2 Samuel 23:3

Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherein Christ hath made us free. Galatians 3:1

If they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned. Hebrews 11:15

Uphold me with they free spirit. Psalms 51:12

Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them. Hebrews 13:3

God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Muhammad Cartoons

Muslim radicals are "up in arms" threatening to kill all Danish and French people based upon the fact that 12 cartoons were published in a Danish newspaper and then reprinted in a French paper.

Why are Jyllands Posten's Muhammad Cartoons rocking the Muslim world and evoking irrational and violent responses? Because they poke fun at the prophet Muhammad.

The need to "defend God" is a human response that comes straight out of humanity's fragile and insecure ego. It has nothing to do with God. God is omnipotent and needs no defending of His/Her name or prophets.

Ironically, I became interested in this topic because I received an e-mail asking me to sign a petition protesting a soon-to-be-aired episode of a program (which I do not watch) which will - allegedly - make fun of Jesus.

I wrote back to the e-mail sender - who is, by the way, a sincere, caring and pious woman - indicating I'm not signing the petition, writing a letter, or protesting in any way.

God created us all. God created those who created the program and gave the writers the idea.

This life we are living is all about choice.

The choice we have - in everything we think, do and say - is to choose either love or fear. If you do not yet understand that all hate is based upon fear, then the choice can be stated as being between love and hate.

The one thing we are supposed to be learning is love. We are here to learn to love our brothers and sisters, feel compassion, alleviate pain and create joy.

Hate is counter to our purpose. Hate is the anti-Christ, the anti-Muhammad, the anti-Buddha.

If one hates his neighbor, a cartoonist, but loves God, whom one has never seen, on what is one's love based?

Ignorance. For one does not know God in the slightest.

If one really knew God - and the fact that God embraces everything including what one hates - perhaps one would want to destroy Him too. God is, after all, the homosexual. God is the abortionist. God is the atheist.

It is a tragic mistake to think God only manifests in people like Mother Teresa or in the Pope.

Do you want to destroy Muslims, Christians, Jews, homosexuals, those who have abortions, those who create irreverent cartoons?

Then you want to destroy God.

Of course none of us can destroy the whole of God, yet we can destroy pieces of him.

Every person is a piece of God. To hate a piece of God is to hate God. To destroy a piece of God is to destroy God.

Ironically, those who are killing others "for the love of God" are really demonstrating their hate of God Him/Herself. They disapprove of what and who God has created.

Those who hate and seek revenge in God's name are God's real enemies, for God is love.

For in him we live, and move, and have our being. Acts 17:28

Know ye not that ye are the temple of god, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? I Corinthians 3:16

He that despiseth his neighbor sinneth. Proverbs 14:21

He that hateth his brother is in darkness. I John 2:11

If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a lair. I John 4:20

Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer. I John 3:15

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear. I John 4:18

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