Wednesday, January 03, 2007

It's A New Year - And A New Chance

It's a new year and, if you haven't started, it's time right now to prune your inner and outer life.

Do you have a drawer that you can't stand, stuffed with junk?

Clean it out. Be ruthless.

You will have trouble doing it, of course, because that drawer is an outer representation of some inner chaos within you. And, of course, we all resist changing even when we know it will help us in the long run.

Do you have a behavior that doesn't serve you?

When you decide you are not going to put up with the chaos of that awful drawer anymore, be sure to do it with intention. Imagine that you are getting rid of all the junk in your psyche that keeps that unwanted behavior alive.

"As above, so below" - everything is connected. What we see in our lives is a direct result of what's in us.

If you don't like some of what you're seeing - either in your individual life or in the world - then it's time for change.

But you knew that.

It's time for a new beginning and new hope; time to rekindle the belief that we can fulfill the longings we feel for "something better" - be it more time, more beauty or more connection in our lives.

Come on this journey with me, for I'm traveling right along side you, out of sight but not out of mind.

Hold on and let's go as, once again, we take on the challenge of perfecting our minds and souls so we can love life, ourselves and others more fully.


I Start A New Year And A New Life

Dear God,

I come to You as I come to no one else,
for You know me as no one else does.

Thank You, God, that as I pray you fill me with your transforming energy.

It is a new year and You beckon me to forgive myself,
for I am innocent in Your eyes.

It is the least I can do for You, Lord;
the least I can do for all you have given me
and continue even in this moment to give me.

I forgive myself for the year that has passed,
for hopes unfulfilled,
for dreams abandoned,
for love unreturned
and for another year of aging.

I forgive myself for all the self-criticism I delivered to myself
- which surely you felt -
and for the pain I have endured at my own hand.

I forgive myself for wanting to give up,
and for indulging in negativity.

Lord, I did the best I could,
so I forgive it all and let the old year
- and the old life - go.

Today is a new day in a new year.
The past is gone; there is only now.

I ask for Your help.

Remind me, Lord, to live in the Now
and listen to Your loving voice.

Let me hear You.

Let me know, in my heart of hearts,
That I am good enough today
In this moment

I commit to transformation.
I commit to bringing peace to my soul.
I commit to calling my power back.
I pledge to use my power for the healing of myself
And the healing of the world.

I start over and create a joyous new me.

Thank You, Eternal Father
Thank You, Eternal Mother

I love You.


adapted from Prayerforce: 365 Days To A New Life
The Lord's mercies...are new every morning... Lamentations 3:22-23

I will put a new spirit within you. Ezekiel 11:19

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